(5) Wheel Animation with added WY and XY RotationsThis animation shows added 180 degree WY and XY rotations of the viewpoint in 4D. The thumbnail on the right shows the configuration halfway through the WY rotation where the W dimension is shown and the Y direction is "away". |
So, the problem is in the rendering--ordinary everyday 3D rendering. Not a 4D problem, but a 3D one. Creating a view of a 3D structure that shows all of the internal workings is not easy but it is not a a problem in principle. Of course, the "exploded view" showing an engine's parts won't do here--we need to preserve the geometry. And it may be that the transparency issue here is more difficult than has been previously dealt with. However, imagine a view where the solids are strongly indicated on their boundaries, becoming more completely transparent as one moves into the solid, so as to allow a view of what's behind . . . --------- |
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